Thanks for including me here. I am a rollercoaster of emotions, but all of them touch rage. I don't know how we'll make it through either, but we will. We must.
Thank you for this post. It's so needed and I'll admit, I feel so much apathy right now, but that doesn't help anyone. Certainly not the most vulnerable. I'm admittedly in ostrich mode and I might want to stay under my rock just a little while longer until I can channel my energy into something productive for the communities I'm a part of, including my local county. UGHHHH.
Thanks for including me here. I am a rollercoaster of emotions, but all of them touch rage. I don't know how we'll make it through either, but we will. We must.
This shit is one day at a time, too. ❤️🩹
Thank you for this post. It's so needed and I'll admit, I feel so much apathy right now, but that doesn't help anyone. Certainly not the most vulnerable. I'm admittedly in ostrich mode and I might want to stay under my rock just a little while longer until I can channel my energy into something productive for the communities I'm a part of, including my local county. UGHHHH.
Stay in ostrich mode as long as you need to bb!!